Probably it's raining season lately... morning rain comes, sunshine out in the afternoon or the other way round. Worst still whole day was pouring rain... what I worried most is the damp cloth diapers / inserts... Took almost 2 days to dry not to mention those absorbent fitted.
It will stink and develope mold if there's no sunshine for even 2 days! I'm too worry and too concious about this... but what to do? Dry in aircon room or under ceiling fan? Still no promising in smell free diapers...
The most terrible part is the maid hand washed those modern CD, which are normally thick but machine washed the thin lampin!!! Arrggh.....
don't get work up with the raining season sharine.maybe it's an excuse to stash more? wink!
Btw, just to let u know I've link some great post of yours & mentioned you in my blog. Thanks!I've learnt a lot from you.
hye you..what's up!
I'm CDing my two children also, and when the raining seems endless..i used a dash of Dettol on my second washing cycle. the first one is to remove the pee-poo, and start again the machine to remove as much bacteria and other microbs with Dettol. the CDs will smell great, and no stinking CD anymore. even when yo
u dry them indoor.
we bought the enviro-dryer years ago. its smaller, cheaper and portable compared to the conventional dryer. it takes a bit of work ie u need to hang the clothes on hangers (or sometimes the payung). i dont use this often but its great for rainy days. especially for drying the soakers/inserts
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