Thursday, February 12, 2009

What insert can be used?

From left: Small microfiber insert, Baby Beehind bamboo smallest doubler (from the fitted dipe), Baby Beehind hemp longer doubler folded half, GAD size S pocket diaper, Itti Bitti bamboo soaker in trifold.

When you have super small pocket diaper such as GAD PUL size S? I received an email from a mom regarding this issue and I forgot to blog about what insert I used for this diaper. To me, it is quite difficult as the normal small insert seems to be big especially the crotch area... and I think hourglass insert will be a great fit but I didn't get any.

So, I use doublers and soakers from my existing stash of fitted diapers! Try to find them in your stash and you will end up like me... no need to buy too many smaller inserts. It's fun to mix and match!!!

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